
Ribbon and dyeing processes

Ribbon and dyeing processes

The material determines the dyeing process [1]: 1. Polyester Polyester fiber characteristics (dense) - melt dyeing, high temperature and pressure dyeing - dyes chosen - Disperse - Temperature - (melt dyeing) 190 degrees about - (high temperature high pressure dyeing) 130 degrees Celsius. (2) Nylon (protein product) characteristics of nylon fiber (with a reactive functional group) - steaming process - the selection of dyes - (weak) acid dyes - temperature - 100 degrees Celsius. 3 cotton (cellulose fiber) staining of basic plant processes and process 1 into the polyester fiber with a - before washing - before drying - color tank - pre-drying (infrared) - high-temperature baking -After washing (reduction cleaning) - after drying - off the belt. Infrared pre-drying effect: initial dye molecules attached to the fiber, preventing the emergence of issues such as flower color. The role of high-temperature baking: the dye molecules into the fibers within the full, complete dye process of dyeing fibers. Reduction cleaning effect: making the decomposition of the excess dye molecules, to ensure product color fastness. 2 nylon fibers into the band - colored tank - hot steam from the steam - after washing - after drying - off with a steaming effect: to make full and fiber acidic dye molecules corresponding functional group reaction, fiber dyeing acid dyes on to complete the process. The role of washing: to remove the dye molecules do not respond completely to ensure the product color fastness.

And color-related issues

1 hit on the color of the sample and the sample material and batch number guests: reflection of differences in shade forms of organization, differences in density of the dyeing process: methods, dye-dyed goods and identified a large sample of the color between the horizontal and of difference between the vertical component of each machine and its condition differences between batches of dye color 2 color fastness color fastness of textiles is an important indicator of quality. The so-called textile dyeing color fastness is the role of the physical and chemical, color fastness to maintain the extent that the textile dyeing fastness of color from outside influence as color fastness. To test the sample color changes, the degree of white stain color fastness rating that is good or bad. Color fastness in various projects, the most commonly used color fastness rubbing fastness, perspiration fastness, washing fastness, light fastness, resistance to flooding color fastness, scrub resistance, color prison degrees, weather fastness and other projects. Real life, mainly based on the product end-use assessment to determine which projects, perspiration, resistance to dry friction, color fastness of textiles resistant to flooding basic safety requirements of the project specifications, all dyed textiles should be an assessment. In addition, textile products but also for the assessment of infant saliva-resistant color fastness. Fastness assessment generally use visual assessment method, that is kind of a gray card as standard sample, in a certain light and environmental conditions, the employer's attention and specimen contrast gray card to determine the sample as is color and white staining level number. Gray card (discoloration and staining, respectively) for the five fastness level, that is, 5,4,3,2,1. 5 best, 1 worst. Two levels in each class and then add a half, or 4 5,3 4,2 3,1 2, so we daily use gray card 5 9 files, color fastness evaluation results to one of nine levels. If the product of a ribbon color fastness to reach the standard level, then the ribbon product failure. 3 With regard to the color of light textiles in the production process to go through several processes, in this process, as raw materials, production processes, operations and other causes of error, often different batches, even in the same batch of fabric in the color there will be differences. Differences in the size of the fabric color, light color if different, the color of the environment, the time difference of color, the color of the evaluation are also different. Therefore, to accurately assess the color differences, to ensure the consistency of the results of color in the visual assessment of color, must be the standard for color selection of light boxes in the light of the color designated merchants in order to avoid non-standard light source or light source caused by the different visual differences. 4-color light on the classification of D65: international standards on human natural light, color temperature 6500K.CWF: cool white fluorescent, 4150K, U.S. stores light source, the U.S. businessmen frequently used source of color. TL84: cool white, color temperature 4000K, Europe, Japan, businessmen commonly used for color light. F / A: Huang Guangyuan, light color reference light source for the home or hotel room instead of the observed color of light. UV: ultraviolet, wavelength 365nm, for the detection of the fabric brighteners or fluorescent dyes U30 (TL83): warm white, color temperature 3000K, the other U.S. commercial light

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